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About Me

About Me
CrystalPhuong.net is a Personal Style & Travel Blog based in Singapore, written by Crystal Phuong. The blog was nominated FOUR times in Top 10 Best Fashion Blogs in the annual Singapore Blog Award from 2012- 2015, voted as one of the Best Lifestyle Blogs in Singapore in 2013 by Hotelclub.com, and Best Travel Blogs in 2016 by Foodpanda.com. Crystal hopes to connect and inspire young women to lead a healthy and happy life. Be confident, be positive, and be kind.


Holy Moly, another busy busy week is here. I hope you all had a great start on Monday. So, it's brand new week again, what are you wearing this week? And what did you wear last week? Do you usually plan your wardrobe on daily or weekly basis? I guess, most of us do it on daily basis only. Like myself, I usually think of what to wear the night before and make sure things are ready the next morning before I go to work. However, sometimes I...oversleep (Yeah, everyone does) and end up standing in front of my wardrobe for 15 minuties and not knowing what to wear at all. That is like first world problem.

So I hope, my weekly fashion diary will give you or even myself some ideas or solutions on how to mix and match your old dress, pants, skirt, shirt and create a fresh looking outfit as if you just wear it for the first time ;). I'll show you more about it in few more episodes later when my wardrobe is about to run out of, lolz...That's when you need creativity. 

Anyway, here are what I wore last week. Most of them are new stuffs I've just bought and not worn before so I'm pretty excited to share. 
Getting basic and formal with Brook Brothers floral shirt, Mango pants & Gucci belt. I super love this floral shirt from Brook Brothers. The material is so cool, light and soft. When pairing up with a straight cut pants, it shows some characters, attitudes while pairing it with a skirt, it gives lot of femininity and sophistication. Mike bought this shirt for me together with the Gucci belt and apparently these are one of my favorite pieces in my closet. 

Beautiful texture and prints.

Get that look: Brook Brothers shirt 

It was public holiday in Singapore. I spent the entire day staying at home and re-arranging my closet. Also, that was a day my 3 "babies" from US arrived. Say Hello to Kate Spade floral handbag, Dolce Vita shoes & Michael Kors handbag. Super love them!

Arranging my beauty corner. I have way too many beauty, skin care products that I don't use and they are expired -_-. 

Arranging my shoes. I think I need a new shoes cabinet very soon. It's over-flowing. 
Bright and shine with color-blocking outfit from Forever21. Love this chiffon ribbon top and pencil pink skirt. The color matches my Katespade bag so perfectly. 


I was up to the Sweet Young Thing look! It's like a norm that I always wear skirt or dress on Thursday which I don't know why. I paired up a very basic white tank top from Zara with a polka dot lining blazer from Guess and completed it with princess full circle skirt from River Island.

Very light, simple make up that day I wore. Make-up should only be used to enhance your look not to exaggerate it. Btw, would you be interested in watching a natural make up tutorial soon? :)

I went for 2C look: Casual cum Semi- Corporate with this beautiful jumpsuit. It's such a versatile piece,  whenever I need to be really formal or professional for some important meetings, I just need put the blazer on. Else, the jumpsuit is the best choice for casual outfit on Friday at work or even party at night. 

I grabbed some silver accessories i.e sparkle earrings, bow silver ring and silver bangle to give more contrast to the outfit. That was it!
It was productive week after all. I was supposed to write this blog entry 3 days ago, however I was busy spending time with parents and I couldn't finish it up.
Now, another new week is here. Hope you guys having a great week and I'll catch up with you with another episode at the end of the week.
Stay sexy and happy!
Crystal Phuong
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