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About Me

About Me
CrystalPhuong.net is a Personal Style & Travel Blog based in Singapore, written by Crystal Phuong. The blog was nominated FOUR times in Top 10 Best Fashion Blogs in the annual Singapore Blog Award from 2012- 2015, voted as one of the Best Lifestyle Blogs in Singapore in 2013 by Hotelclub.com, and Best Travel Blogs in 2016 by Foodpanda.com. Crystal hopes to connect and inspire young women to lead a healthy and happy life. Be confident, be positive, and be kind.


When I said, I went to have my skin treatment done, my friends looked at me with curious and surprised eyes: "Why do you need to go for skin treatment? Your skin is looking perfect". I don't understand their philosophy and I believe they don't understand mine either. I don't understand why do people only go to beauty salon to seek for help only when their skin starts having problem? 

I used to take my youthful skin for granted and put the blame on my busy schedule. I didn't have enough time to finish all my works in a day, how could I afford to spend 2-3 hours in a beauty salon doing nothing? Well, I still don't have enough time anyway, but when I look at my bare face in the mirror, I notice there are many blackheads, white heads large pores staring at me, it's time to do something about it. 

When I was looking for a recommended beauty salon to solve my problem, Bioskin came with the invitation to try out their signature service: Skin Rebirth. Special thank to Omy team for helping me to arrange everything! :)

I arrived quite late at 8.30pm on Friday and quickly had an in-depth consultation to understand more about my skin condition and the treatment. It was a short and sweet yet informative consultation as if the staff already knew exactly what she needed to do to my face before she even talked to me.

I loved the glitz-and-glam decoration inside their Orchard Brand. It began to look a lot like Christmas with red, green, white and the sparkling chandelier at the waiting area.   

Having a full understanding about Skin Rebirth dos and don'ts before I started the treatment. 

Skin Rebirth is clinically proven treatment for Skin Renewal, Pigmentation, Acne Scar Lightening, Lift V-Shaped Face, Wrinkle Reduction and Pores Tightening which is exactly what I was looking for. 

Unlike other technologies that use light emitting wave or laser frequency wave to target on dermis layer of skin, Skin Rebirth uses a multi-source, phase-controlled Fractional Radio Frequency  (FRF) energy that generates pulses of energy into skin, causing a deep volumetric dermal heating effect that enables collagen remodeling, skin resurfacing and treatment of wrinkles, acne and acne scars. More information about the FRF energy, visit this page

The FRF resulted the redness and minimal pain on my face right after the treatment but it didn't last long. I could even go out to party if I wanted to. 
First, my make-up was removed,

and then there was an amount of numbing cream applied all over my face to prevent the pain

After waiting for 20 minutes for the numbing cream to take effect, that's when the treatment started. The beautician used an appliance to apply the F-RF energy onto my skin to achieve an enhanced effect of deeper penetration and optimized efficacy. 

One hour later,
Who is that girl looking so refreshed and happy after the Skin Rebirth treatment? Ok, I'm not going to lie, my face was quite red and uncomfortable as I was told by the beautician. But instead of feeling worried, I felt so excited about my flawless skin and couldn't wait to see how my skin would turn out. 

Didn't expect that I even had a bag of handful products to use at home.  

Thank you so much Bioskin! You are so generous! 

These products are my absolutely favorites now. I love their tightening face mask, spray sunblock (so creative) and the moisturizing cream. They made my skin so soft, smooth and super flawless.
Don't believe me? Take a look at these non-photoshopped photos! 

This is what I do every night before my bed time: applying facial mask. This is by far the best facial mask that I've used. It does a wonderful job to tighten up your skin, please give it a try and tell me "Crystal! You are so damn right". 

That's me without ANY make up on, right after I took off my facial mask. How incredibly my skin looks!

Notice the pores are visibly reduced now? I was totally amazed when I looked at the mirror again. 70 percent of the blackheads, white heads were gone.  

And another me, with a make-up on. In case you still don't believe what I say, Bioskin is confidently announcing the Money Back Guarantee policy that allows the customers to take their money back if after 21 days they don't see any improvement from the treatment. There you have it, a security for you. All you need to do is to make an appointment with Bioskin and try out the service for yourself.

Now here are some questions you might want to know. 
1. Is my skin suitable for the treatment? 
Yes! Skin Rebirth is suitable for all skin types, except for overly sensitive ones. Please let your beautician know if your skin is overly sensitive so that they can give you the best advice. 

2. When does my skin need to go for Skin Rebirth ?
When you have acnes, scar problem, pigmentation problem, wrinkles and large pore. OR, if you want your skin to look beautiful always. 

3. Any Do's and Don't ?
Of course yes! 
Don't wash the face with soap on 1st day of treatment. 
Don't do sweaty exercise. Swimming is not allowed to during the first 2 weeks. 
Avoid sun and sauna for 1 week. If there is sun exposure, apply moisturizer and sunblock quickly. It's simple enough to follow! 

4. How long does it take to recovery?
For me, it was pretty fast, a few days after the treatment, my face was completely recovered. 

5. Does it have any side effect?
No, not at all for me. You can check with the beautician to be sure for your case.

6. I'm pregnant, can I go for the treatment?
I'm not quite sure. Please call Bioskin to ask! 

7. Do they have any promotion right now?
Just ask and you shall be given. Bioskin is giving the best deal ever for you to try out:
 1X Skin Rebirth + Cryo Splash @ $38 (Incl GST $40.66)
Hurry up!

Besides getting help from technology, I do have some personal rules that I try to keep in order to have a perfect skin; 
1. Never sleep with make-up on. I always wash my face twice a day no matter what. 
2. Always apply sunscreen whenever I'm out and about. 
3. Eat well. Thank God, I don' like snack, oily stuffs and have huge appetite for fruits. I can eat fruit and vegetables all day long to survive. Also, I try to drink lot more water now. I don't smoke and occasionally drink coffee, perhaps twice in a month. 
4. My daily skin care routine is pretty fixed; always apply toner first then facial mask and moisturizer before I go to bed. 

These simple steps have helped me so much over the years to have bright and beautiful skin that I'm having now (my skin used to be very bad last time with lot of pimples and dark circle), I hope it will help you to achieve your amazing flawless skin too. It sounds tedious with all the steps dos and don'ts but trust me, it's all worth it. 

Thank you so much for reading and I'll share with you more about my secrets in the next blog entries! 

Have a great day!  

Disclaimer: This blog entry is proudly sponsored by Bioskin Holdings Pte Ltd. Technical terms, information about the products and services are provided by Bioskin, opinions are on my own. Feel free to contact me if you need further clarification.
Crystal Phuong
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