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About Me

About Me
CrystalPhuong.net is a Personal Style & Travel Blog based in Singapore, written by Crystal Phuong. The blog was nominated FOUR times in Top 10 Best Fashion Blogs in the annual Singapore Blog Award from 2012- 2015, voted as one of the Best Lifestyle Blogs in Singapore in 2013 by Hotelclub.com, and Best Travel Blogs in 2016 by Foodpanda.com. Crystal hopes to connect and inspire young women to lead a healthy and happy life. Be confident, be positive, and be kind.


Crystal Phuong- #TravelwithCrystal- Bali, Indonesia

After a winter trip to Vietnam during Lunar New Year, I flew to a tropical paradise called Bali and spent a good few days there before heading to the US. No matter how many times I visit Bali, this place has no lack of surprises to please an avid traveler in me. Last time I was there, I went parasailing and ocean walking. It was incredible, and I thought nothing could top that. But I was wrong. Keep on reading and you'll know why I said that. 

Crystal Phuong- #TravelwithCrystal- Bali

Landed in Singapore just in time to catch this flight to Bali. It was such an adrenaline rush running from one terminal to another, but that's what we'd do for the things we love, wouldn't we? 

Crystal Phuong- #TravelwithCrystal- Bali, The Royal Beach Seminyak Bali Hotel

 We stayed at The Royal Beach Seminyak hotel again, but instead of a deluxe room, we had a villa with a private pool to ourselves. The beginning of our wonderful trip started just like that. 

Crystal Phuong- #TravelwithCrystal- Bali, The Royal Beach Seminyak Bali

Crystal Phuong- #TravelwithCrystal- Bali, Seminyak Beach during sunset

Crystal Phuong- #TravelwithCrystal- Bali, Seminyak Beach at sunset

 Couldn't miss any sunset at the Seminyak beach whenever I'm back at this place. 

Crystal Phuong- #TravelwithCrystal- Bali, Mount Batur Volcano at sunrise

Next morning, we woke up at 2 am to start our sunrise trekking at one of the most popular destinations in Bali: Mount Batur volcano.  Mount Batur is still an active volcano, located at the center of two concentric calderas, north west of Mount Agung on the island of Bali, Indonesia. It stands at 1717 meters above sea level and it took us more than 3 hours to reach the top. 

Crystal Phuong- #TravelwithCrystal- Bali, Mount Batur Volcano at sunrise

The 3-hour climb in the dark wasn't fun, to be honest, and I had to take many breaks in between to catch my breath. My legs were shaking so badly. But because I didn't give up, the reward for me at the end was pretty amazing. 

Crystal Phuong- #TravelwithCrystal- Bali, Mount Batur Volcano

Not every day I can have a photo of me standing above the clouds while watching the sunrise like that. A moment like this definitely is one of the most surreal memories in my life by far.

Crystal Phuong- #TravelwithCrystal- Bali, Mount Batur Volcano

Crystal Phuong- #TravelwithCrystal- Bali, Mount Batur Volcano at sunrise

Clearly, this beautiful sunrise view on top of Mount Batur made the painful trekking at 2am so worth it. It's official the most beautiful photo in my travel diary.

My colorful and delicious reward for not giving up half way.

After volcano trekking, we headed to a Hotspring nearby called Toyadevasya. Its beauty blew my mind. I've never seen a Hotspring so beautiful like that. The weather in the morning was chilly enough for us to appreciate the warm water once we dip into that pool.

With a volcanic mountain as a backdrop, I wouldn't want anything else at that moment.

Then, we filled ourselves up with a delicious lunch at a local restaurant.

A stormy rain came as soon as we finished our swimming at the Hot Spring. If Luck wasn't by our side, we could have been walking on the slippery slope, being stranded in the middle of the mountain in a heavy rain. That would be a horrifying experience for us all.

Leaving the Hot Spring, our driver took us to Tegallalang Rice Terraces, one of the most popular places in Ubud. You'll expect nothing but a luscious green horizon that will please your eyes.

I could stand here and look at this view for hours. The only thing missing was a cup of green tea latte.

Back to my all time favorite, the beach. Seminyak beach is always so beautiful regardless at what time of the day. We still had a few places to visit before we called it our day at Seminyak beach, but I'll leave it to you to find out in this travel video, mostly shot and edited by yours truly. Please subscribe to my new Youtube channel if you haven't done so. Thank you so much for reading and watching! See you in the next travel + fashion post. It's about San Francisco, baby!

Crystal Phuong
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