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About Me

About Me
CrystalPhuong.net is a Personal Style & Travel Blog based in Singapore, written by Crystal Phuong. The blog was nominated FOUR times in Top 10 Best Fashion Blogs in the annual Singapore Blog Award from 2012- 2015, voted as one of the Best Lifestyle Blogs in Singapore in 2013 by Hotelclub.com, and Best Travel Blogs in 2016 by Foodpanda.com. Crystal hopes to connect and inspire young women to lead a healthy and happy life. Be confident, be positive, and be kind.


CrystalPhuong- New York Fashion Week 2017 Streetstyle- Rainbow Jumpsuit

It's that time of the year when September came, everyone in the fashion industry started planning for their New York Fashion Week trip. I was not an exception. I planned a month in advance, but when it got closer to the date, I always had a second thought. Should I stay or should I go? Although this was my third time going to New York Fashion Week, I still got butterflies in my stomach for many unnecessary reasons. 

Like the last two times, I decided to book my flight ticket at the last minute. I arrived in the Big Apple on the first day of fashion week. The city was full of energy as usual. It washed away my sleepiness and tiredness as soon as I stepped into this concrete jungle. This time, instead of spending our money on the hotel for the entire week, my friend Heidi from TheAmbitionista got us a luxurious apartment at West 57th looking over the Central Park. The view from the apartment was insanely beautiful! Here is the proof. 

CrystalPhuong- New York Fashion Week 2017 Streetstyle- Rainbow Jumpsuit

As soon as I got situated, I quickly changed and headed out for the first show of the day "Desigual Spring Summer 2017". Knowing that I had only an hour to get ready, I wouldn't have time to think about "What to wear." That's why I decided to restyle this rainbow jumpsuit, which I wore it once at Vietnam Fashion Week earlier this year. Besides, if I had to hide my jetlag face, a bright sequin head-to-toe outfit seemed like a good idea. 

Did I look like I'd just flown thousands of miles across the globe? You tell me. 

CrystalPhuong- New York Fashion Week 2017 Streetstyle- Rainbow Jumpsuit

CrystalPhuong- New York Fashion Week 2017 Streetstyle- Rainbow Jumpsuit

CrystalPhuong- New York Fashion Week 2017 Streetstyle- Rainbow Jumpsuit

CrystalPhuong- New York Fashion Week 2017 Streetstyle- Rainbow Jumpsuit

CrystalPhuong- New York Fashion Week 2017 Streetstyle- Rainbow Jumpsuit

CrystalPhuong- New York Fashion Week 2017 Streetstyle- Rainbow Jumpsuit

Thank you so much for reading! For fashion show, backstage and front row recaps, please check it out my second website 511styles

:: Outfit::

ASOS sequin jumpsuit (old)- Similar here
Uniqlo turtleneck sweater- Similar here
Crystal Phuong
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