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About Me

About Me
CrystalPhuong.net is a Personal Style & Travel Blog based in Singapore, written by Crystal Phuong. The blog was nominated FOUR times in Top 10 Best Fashion Blogs in the annual Singapore Blog Award from 2012- 2015, voted as one of the Best Lifestyle Blogs in Singapore in 2013 by Hotelclub.com, and Best Travel Blogs in 2016 by Foodpanda.com. Crystal hopes to connect and inspire young women to lead a healthy and happy life. Be confident, be positive, and be kind.


It took me almost 1 week to settle my new room, new house. I'm still staying in the same place, just move to a different block. My new house is pretty new, clean, tidy, neat and overall: It's nice and PINK! It's always my dream to have a pink room since I was very small. And when coming over here, I have to put my dream aside because this is not my own house. However, this time, I signed long contract to the owner hence I decided to decorate it nicely. Some friends have been invited to my room, and their reactions are all same "Wow, so nice, so girly"..... I'm happy. Everyday going back home from work, I hide inside my pinky room and relax. The pink color makes me happy! :D. Perhaps, I should show you some photos instead of talking too much:
My makeup corner!
  It includes 1 small wardrobe, 1 shelf, and some other small pink boxes to put hair dryer, hair curler, and so on. Notice the sticky mirror on the wall? I bought it in Ikea with only RM19 something for 4 pieces. You can buy more to decorate your house. It's light and very artistic. The flower and the pink vases were bought in Ikea too. RM2/ each. Unbelieveably cheap!

This is my make up shelf! The first drawer is for hair accessories (hair pin all types (too many to show here), hair bands, hair clip. Next basket is for eyes lash, around 10 pairs in different types if I'm not wrong. The last basket is for bangle (*still need to collect other colors). 2nd drawer is all about lotion and liquid: hair cream (x4), eyes cream (x1), body lotion (x2), hair gel (x3), hair spray (x2), hair oil (x2), facial wash (x2), and others (x3)...Wow, if I don't count each and everything, I don't know I have that many :p. Ok, the last one is all about nail. All together are 20 bottles. Honestly, I don't use them all and not every day either. But I still have to have it because for dancing and sometimes, when I'm in the good mood or when I'm free, I will take good care of my nails with all color and paints.  Perfume corner! My birthday is coming up in 3-month, if you want to give me a perfume, please minus these brands. These are 6 bottles currently in use. I have finished the others and I didn't keep the empty bottle. Among these 6, i still love the lascote, David Doff and Tommy girl. But my most favorite perfume is none of them, surprise? Only the special person will know my special perfume.

  Souvenir corner! I used to keep those cute things in this rack, even the rack is so small you see? The plant with watery gelly is my friend's idea. It's good to put in the room so that you can be in touch with nature :D. Green color is always good for eyes especially for those are short sighted. Ok, move to my PINK collection. This cutie pinky slipper i used to wear it inside my room, bought from long time ago. It looks damn cute and lovely. You only can wear it provided your floor must be clean or else you will destroy it coz mine one the sole is totally made by cloth. Thus, it needs extra care. This is my company gift to me: a 4 sides pink clock with different functions: calendar and time, alarm, temperature and stop watch. Each function will come with different colors as well, very pretty to see it at night. I'm thinking to hang it up instead of putting on the table like this. For what? To let it roll so that I can see all 4 functions. Good idea?

  My pink chair @RM55 is from Ikea too! It was packed inside a box and I assembled it myself. I love this chair. It's just so cute and comfortable of course not for big size people. Yeah! My most favourite stuff of all: a pinky mouse. I had to go to Low Yat plaza to look for those pink computer accessories. I wanted to buy a pink keyboard too, but they didn't have many choices (*it's hard to find actually unless you order from oversea), pink camera, pink headset, pink speaker will slowly be collected later. See my mouse! It's so cuteeeee especially when the light is on. It shines like a dimaond.

Overall my room is here! Pay a visit if you want to take a look at my living room, kitchen, bathroom. My bathroom accessories are decorated up to 90% in pink color too :D So far, everything is pretty good. The housemate are educated and friendly people. They are not money minded people even though one of them is just student. I stayed here more than 1 week but they haven't asked me for rental and deposit at all. They bought me a table, wardrobe, bed, etc... Internet Maxis broadband can be used for free. So if you guys want to try out Maxis broadband service, do ask me for opinion. I'm using it now at home. So, that's about it.

P/s: The pink flowery curtain I bought in Jusco @ RM23 only coz now they are having promotion up to 70%. So many nice pink stuffs there but Yes! need to control.
P/p/s: I know if I'm just crazy about pink but not up to the stage that I will ask my future husband to wear pink underwear, ok? Don't be so afraid :D
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