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About Me

About Me
CrystalPhuong.net is a Personal Style & Travel Blog based in Singapore, written by Crystal Phuong. The blog was nominated FOUR times in Top 10 Best Fashion Blogs in the annual Singapore Blog Award from 2012- 2015, voted as one of the Best Lifestyle Blogs in Singapore in 2013 by Hotelclub.com, and Best Travel Blogs in 2016 by Foodpanda.com. Crystal hopes to connect and inspire young women to lead a healthy and happy life. Be confident, be positive, and be kind.
Showing posts with label sponsored trip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sponsored trip. Show all posts


Hi everyone,

Suddenly, I don't know how to start this last blog post about #Taiwan trip. The feeling is like when I was in Taipei on my 4th day knowing that this was my last day in Taipei. It's getting emotional.

My flight back to Singapore was at 8pm so I had plenty of time to walk around the streets and to look for some souvenirs for friends and family. My hotel is located right at Ximending, one of the most popular shopping districts for young people. Ximending is the source of Taiwan's fashion, subculture and Japanese culture. It's like "Shibuya of Taiwan"

The streets at 12pm didn't seem to be very crowded and I had an entire street for myself for photo taking. 

Wearing the "Catch me if you can" cut-out T-shirt, jeans, sneakers and a denim jacket just in case I would be cold on the airplane later at night.

As you can see from the photos, most street shoppers are youths and the way they dress up is pretty similar to Japanese style.

Walking at the middle of Ximending street with my favorite frog hat that I bought for my nephew Miu the other day. It matches my sunglasses, don't you think?

Too much of walking and shopping around under the crazy hot sun worn me out, this was the last thing I wanted to do before leaving Taipei. 

Sitting in an air-con restaurant with a cool drink and looking over the vibrant streets, I knew my trip was complete! 

Taipei had been good to me from the moment I stepped into the city til the minute I left: the food, the scenery, the people (I love Taiwanese people already, why are they so friendly and helpful?), the culture, the vibrant city and the crazy shopping experience and many more. 

The city bid its farewell with this amazing picturesque view when I was on the way to airport, what should I say?

Good bye Taiwan! Til next time! 

I don't know how soon I will be back but I know I definitely will. Thank you for everything! I enjoyed so much my 4 days while I was there. Also, thank you Streetdirectory for filling up my dream-traveling-destination-list.

Thank you so much everyone for following me in my #travelingwithCrystal journey on Instagram & Facebook. It was so fun to share my traveling experience with you guys. I hope you enjoyed the blog entries about my Taiwan adventure. 

Crystal Phuong

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Hong Kong trip- day 1

Hong Kong trip- day 1

Caution: There are shit loads of photos for you to see in this post so take your time!

This blog post is super out-dated, OMG. I'm supposed to blog about this trip long time ago (somewhere in July) but every time i look at bunch of the photos, I feel lazy. There are few hundreds of them need to be photoshopped before I upload online, so here are just half of it -_-. 

I went to Hong Kong in mid of July with bunch of 10 people under full sponsorship of Streetdirectory Pte Ltd. Can't say enough of how much I love the company <3. The company flew us there and all we needed to do was to eat, sleep, shop and party til we dropped. It was perfect timing as that was also Sales season in Hongkong thus I well prepared myself that I gotta buy extra luggage there if I need to, lolz. Talk about shopaholic! That was also my first trip ever to Hongkong and I was super excited and looking forward to it. 

A night before our flight, 10 of us got so excited that we couldn't stop whatapps-ing each other, talking about the trip, what should we do, who should wake whom up the next day, should we sleep tonight or not, lolz. So crazy! And guess what? I managed to get up myself without the help of my alarm clock. 

Showered! Did simple make up! Packed the luggage and I headed down to airport at 7am sharp, finished checking in before everyone arrived. I went to have breakfast while waiting for others. 

8am plus, we slowly got into our airplane and there the fun journey began: 

One group photo at Changi airport.
From left to right: Vivian, Fiona, Joey, James, Ria, Sharon, Liya and me. 

Me and my camwhore shot on the airplane as usual :D

After few hours sitting on air, we finally arrived! 

Hello, Hongkong International Airport!!!!!

Walking to the immigration counter

My first impression was: "Why it is so crowded???"

An hour after everyone managed to claim their luggage, we were picked up by the hotel staff to our hotel. I was very excited to get out of the airport and see the scenery. 

It was raining when we arrived. We arrived in the noon time but the weather gave me the feeling as if it's going to be evening soon. It was gloomy, cloudy and wet. I did see nothing besides the raindrops. Oh yes, plus the highway and mountains and sea. -_-

Sharon, Vivian, Joey and James. These people are crazy at all time.

Me with my pouty face at the rain. 

The city slowly appeared after the mountains. I was very impressed! There are many skyscrapers in Hongkong and OMG "Why are they so slim?"

Another skinny and tall building. I'm wondering how people can squeeze themselves inside those buildings.

Typical Hongkong street! It looks old and busy with many signboards, advertisement stickers every where.

We finally got down the bus and walked toward our hotel. It's located pretty near to the Mongkok MTR station. Don't correct me the word MTR, it's how Hongkong people call their train station, in Singapore we call it MRT station. 

Candid shot of everyone walking to the hotel and James looked like he was the tour guide trying to lead everyone, lolz. 

Hongkong cop! Very much the same to those cops I saw on TV :D. Hello, cop! Smile please!

And here is our hotel: Metropark Mongkok hotel.

Got into the hotel, unpacked the luggage, rested for 10 minutes, quickly washed up and we headed out the streets to look for....foods. We were all like hungry ghosts as from 7am til 3pm, this was considered our first main meal of the day.

Curry noodle. Not mine! I don't really like curry

Tendon beef sauteed fried noodle. This is super yummy. 

Joey, Sharon & Fiona were busy eating until they couldn't even look up.:D

Happy faces again after the late lunch. 
Now, it's time to explore the city

At MTR (I kept tying MRT wtf), it's pretty much similar to the MRT in Singapore

Got into the train and we started cam-whoring...

Me at one of the Hongkong streets. Pardon me because I really couldn't recall what street I was standing at...

also what shopping mall I was standing there. Can someone tell me what shopping mall is that? This shopping mall is huge plus with many shop houses along the street.

like this. There was so crowded that time (6pm) and each of us decided to go on our own, shopped our own and we gathered at 7pm to go back the hotel. Plan never worked and you know why.

Trying to take an artistic shot at the Mongkok street but it turned out not really artistic one :D 

Another shopping paradise. 

I was literally tired after walking too much and had too little time to rest. I didn't buy lot of things except the only black cotton long sleeves top that I was wearing. I went back the hotel to take a nap and got ready to go out at night. 

That's me at Lan Kwai Foong and wearing a newly bought top. I remember this place :D

Look at how busy the street at night. It seems Hongkong never sleep. Day and night, it's crowded every where. People seem always busy here, rushing there and I don't know where they are rushing to. Lan Kwai Foong indeed is very much like Clarke Quay in Singapore. A huge place for shopping, restaurants and bar on top of the hill. You gotta just walk upward the hill and the higher you go, the busier it seems. I arrived LKF very much earlier than others and I was too hungry, so I gotta nom nom first.

Century eggs. My Godness, the century eggs here tasted so much nicer and better than all century eggs I've ever tried before. How could it be possible?

Shark fin soup with.....something (forgot what thing already)

Roasted duck! Super tender and tasty. 

even the fried beef with celery, it's so much different than the one in Singapore. Why like that? What is their tip? Why Hongkong foods are so damn nice??? At that point of time, I wish I could stay up there for another week just to try all different types of foods in Hongkong, I'm serious.

There you go! Night life in Hongkong: bar and pubs with super loud music from inside out. 

Me when I was walking down the hill 

Hey! Hard Rock Cafe is here too!
After screening through many different pubs, we ended at one at last and it was packed inside but to my surprise, we still managed to get 1 table for all of us. So lucky!

Liya, Ria and me. 

Look at Joey's face! Hahahaha! I don't know who did anything wrong to her. It was so coincident as that night was Joey's birthday so we had super great excuse and chance to get drunk 

Sharon, Joey, me, Fiona, Ria and Liya. Must took few photos first while we were still sober 

with James and Vivian, the ones at the outmost right and left. 

birthday girl and me. 

James was acting cute. He was a super lucky guy to have chance to party with all the girls us. 

Birthday celebration. 
The fun time began.


Bought Joey a Flaming suicide on her birthday. 

Happy and tipsy girls, lolz

Vivian was giving shots to Joey as we wanted to make her drunk, we were evil, weren't we?

Bottom up!

Still have many more to go

Fiona, James and me were resting while others were having fun dancing on the floor. 

Couldn't remember how many bottles we finished. And as usual, after they got drunk, they started dancing with many different styles and moves. 

Liya with her very red face on the left, lolz. 

I was joining with the girls for fun, shake the booty babe! :D 

James looked like he was fed up while us girls were laughing crazily and having so much fun.

and we just danced, laughed and drank like that til 3, 4am next day. 
I got back hotel earlier than them and the moment I got into my bed, I was completely knocked off til the next day. 

That's how we spent our first day in Hong Kong. 
Stay tuned for the Day 2 post coming up soon! 

Crystal Phuong

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