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About Me

About Me
CrystalPhuong.net is a Personal Style & Travel Blog based in Singapore, written by Crystal Phuong. The blog was nominated FOUR times in Top 10 Best Fashion Blogs in the annual Singapore Blog Award from 2012- 2015, voted as one of the Best Lifestyle Blogs in Singapore in 2013 by Hotelclub.com, and Best Travel Blogs in 2016 by Foodpanda.com. Crystal hopes to connect and inspire young women to lead a healthy and happy life. Be confident, be positive, and be kind.
Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts


It was a chilly December 22nd, and I was wrapped up in a cozy blanket at my mother-in-law’s home in Bruges, Belgium, savoring the warmth of my husband’s coffee. Finally, I had the chance to reflect on the whirlwind of life-changing events that had unfolded throughout the year.

After the wedding solemnization and party in Singapore, Gregory and I dove headfirst into preparing for our traditional ceremony and celebration in Vietnam. It was three times larger this time, with an anticipated guest list of nearly 300. We had only 3 months to plan the family trip, the wedding tea ceremony, the reception dinner, and the wedding-after party. It was 3 stressful months of planning while having overwhelming months at work. Keeping negativity aside, right now,  I just want to take a moment to reflect on the most beautiful days of my life - the days I walked down the aisle in front of our friends, families, and relatives with the love of my life in Vietnam. A day my father had been wishing to happen over the last 20 years. 

On the significant date of September 22nd, the festivities began with a traditional tea ceremony that seamlessly blended our two families. It marked the first time Gregory and his family experienced the richness of Vietnamese customs and culture. Dressed in elegant Vietnamese "ao dai" costumes, Gregory's parents and groomsmen arrived at my house with betrothal presents at the auspicious hour of 2 pm. Outside, my family and bridesmaids eagerly awaited their arrival. I was sitting in my room, waiting for my husband to come and fetch me.

After both family introductions, Gregory's parents sought my parents' blessing for their son to join our family officially. With my parents' heartfelt approval, Gregory approached the room where I was sitting, adorned in Vietnam's traditional wedding dress. Taking my hands, we shared a kiss, and he led me down to present ourselves as man and wife. 

The ceremony included serving tea to our parents and exchanging greetings with friends and relatives before paying respects to our ancestors. In that sacred moment, my father couldn’t hold back tears as he prayed to his late father. It was a spiritual and emotional experience for both of us. The betrothal ceremony concluded with a collective family photo session and a joyous family dinner afterward to celebrate.

The festivities continued the next day with a wedding dinner party that united nearly 300 people from across the globe. Colleagues and friends flew in from Singapore, Australia, Barcelona, and the US to share our joy. Against all odds, we managed to secure a wedding decoration vendor just a week before the event and a live band a mere five days prior. The final touches to the decoration fell into place a mere two hours before the celebration. How did we manage to pull this off? I had no idea. It felt like a magical force, a guardian angel, had orchestrated everything. Everything miraculously aligned, from finding the perfect wedding dress to booking a makeup artist just a day before the big day—from location scouting to catering.

I was stressed out and nervous until the moment I put on my wedding dress. But as soon as I was about to walk down the aisle with my husband, he calmed me down instantly. He had that magical power in him. 

With friends and family, we raised our glasses, cut into a massive wedding cake, and indulged in a delightful dinner spread. The live band played lively and fun tunes, making everyone leave their seats and dance the night away. It was an evening of pure joy, the best and most fun I had experienced in a long time.

For my father, it was more than a wedding; it was the realization of a dream he had cherished for over two decades. The celebration went beyond the nuptials; it was a gathering of people whom we love, all who came together to share in our happiness. As I fondly reminisce about those laughter-filled days, a great sense of gratitude washes over me. Grateful for the unwavering support of family and friends and for the memories that will forever hold a special place in our hearts. After 17 years of wondering "Who will be my future husband?", "When will I get married?", finally I found what I was searching for. 

Here's to a lifetime filled with beautiful memories, love, and laughter. 

Watch our wedding party here and don't forget to subscribe to our channel! 

Crystal Phuong

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Crystal Phuong & Gregory Ducat: Our intimate wedding in Singapore

Four months have passed since the day we exchanged our vows atop the Grand Park City Hall Hotel in Singapore. Strangely, the memories still feel fresh, as if it all happened just last month. They say time flies when you're having fun, but when you're caught up in the whirlwind of your wedding day, it seems to go at double speed. Unlike many couples who take a year or more to carefully plan their weddings, we managed to pull off our intimate ceremony in Singapore within four months. Another two months afterwards planning for a traditional tea ceremony and reception in Vietnam. How did we manage? Well, that's a story for another time. For now, I'm still lost in the moments from those months ago. I find myself flipping through the photo album—300 pictures capturing smiles, tears, and moments, watching our wedding video, and live streaming to catch the nuances I might have missed during the event.

When I was still navigating my 20s, I had already a vivid picture of my dream wedding. A grand ballroom, an extravagant wedding dress, a sea of guests, dance performances, and an unforgettable party – the classic fairy tale. I even went as far as buying the sparkly Jimmy Choo wedding shoes before finding my Prince Charming. My logic at the time was simple: "It's easier to find the right shoes; finding the right man is a far more complicated task. So, get the shoes first, find Mr. Right later."

Our dream, Gregory's and mine became about celebrating the most important day of our lives with family and close friends. We desired to share our joy with those who had witnessed our journey, supported us through challenges, and contributed to our growth. With our families scattered across Vietnam and Belgium, Gregory in London, and me in Singapore, finding the perfect place to hold our ceremony and register our marriage seemed like a daunting task. Factor in friends from various corners of the globe, and the early stage of planning felt almost like an impossible task. Yet, as the saying goes, if it's meant to be, it will find a way and it will happen.

Our wedding ceremony in Singapore was nothing like what I envisioned in my 20s, but it turned out to be a perfect day for both of us. The breathtaking backdrop of the Singapore skyline, complemented by the warm hues of the sunset, added an extra layer of magic to our special day, making it an unforgettable experience for us and our guests. Our families, flying in from Belgium and Vietnam, stood witness as we said our "I dos," and friends from every corner of the world joined us to celebrate. We've never had so many hugs in one day. It was overwhelming, a day filled with an abundance of love and happiness. A day that we will remember for the rest of our lives. 

We were so lucky that our wedding and our love story were also featured in the most prestigious magazine in Vietnam Harper's Bazaar. Thank you so much to Mrs Venus Tran, Editor in Chief of Harper's Bazaar Vietnam for the support and love! 

Special thanks to Memoro Bridal- our wedding gown and Regal Brides, our wedding shoes sponsor. We are forever grateful.

Watch our wedding film here! 

Crystal Phuong

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