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About Me
CrystalPhuong.net is a Personal Style & Travel Blog based in Singapore, written by Crystal Phuong. The blog was nominated FOUR times in Top 10 Best Fashion Blogs in the annual Singapore Blog Award from 2012- 2015, voted as one of the Best Lifestyle Blogs in Singapore in 2013 by Hotelclub.com, and Best Travel Blogs in 2016 by Foodpanda.com. Crystal hopes to connect and inspire young women to lead a healthy and happy life. Be confident, be positive, and be kind.
Showing posts with label white collar boxing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white collar boxing. Show all posts
White collar boxing is fun

White collar boxing is fun

Yesterday, I and Keef were invited to attend a annual event "White Collar Boxing" organized by IFS as one of the event co-sponsors. 

It was my first time ever watching LIVE boxing. I used to hate boxing, same goes with muay thai or whatsoever sport is related to fighting. There is no fun watching 2 people fighting with blood all over their faces and the audiences are supposed to stop them, they clap hands to cheer the fighters up. It's just silly. 

That what I used to think too. But when I attended the White Collar Boxing event last Saturday, it was totally out of my imagination. Nevertheless, it's pretty fun, exciting to watch...Both men and women in white collar professions are trained to fight at special event and they have no experience of boxing before. This event was organized for fund raising purpose to support Children's Surgical Centre in Cambodia. A week ago, it was a party organized at Se7en1nch and they raised $160, xxx so far....What's a meaningful event!

I didn't take lot of photos because I was busy watching and the event was so grand until I felt shy if I kept taking photo of myself, my skin is still not thick enough tho'. So here is just a quickie post..

A magazine was placed on our table with the fights schedule. There were 8 bouts in total, 2 bouts for women and 6 bouts for men

Look at what I found here! Se7en1nch full page on the first page of the mag. Proud to be one of the sponsors! :D

A glimpse at the fighters!

There are 16 of them in total, I just took few photos for you all to see, make your saliva come out. They are hell sexy and hot, my God! I feel like registering my name for the next year White Collar Boxing already. By then, I will be listed in "Super light weight" category and have no competitor, I will win trophy for sure. hahahahaha!!!!

Introduction time, fighters but walking like models on the catwalk, lolz.

Presenting on the stage

and get ready for the bout

MC of the night. He is a real professional MC and totally entertaining. Hate him, why never share some talents to me? I also want to be an MC -_-

The best thing of the night: While watching them fighting, we were served foods. Delicious foods!

and drink. 

All of sudden, among those nice, clear photos taken by a professional camera, there is a blur photo of me. 
Taken by my iPhone before heading to town. Behind me is a half and even blurrier photo of Keef, lolz.

That's all for this post. Wait til next year if I attend White Collar Boxing event, I'll announce. 
I think, I will create a new name for this sport "White Collar Boxance" means Boxing + Dance. Imagine, I do boxing by using dancing technique? I'm gonna win for sure. :D
Ok, night to me! G'd morning to you! Muahx muahx
Crystal Phuong

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