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About Me

About Me
CrystalPhuong.net is a Personal Style & Travel Blog based in Singapore, written by Crystal Phuong. The blog was nominated FOUR times in Top 10 Best Fashion Blogs in the annual Singapore Blog Award from 2012- 2015, voted as one of the Best Lifestyle Blogs in Singapore in 2013 by Hotelclub.com, and Best Travel Blogs in 2016 by Foodpanda.com. Crystal hopes to connect and inspire young women to lead a healthy and happy life. Be confident, be positive, and be kind.
Showing posts with label New Year resolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Year resolution. Show all posts


I know, it's super late, irrelevant topic and I'm super out-dated to write it as it's already the end of the second month of New Year now. I've been thinking of doing a Vlog about this entry to make it more interesting but I didn't have much time and because of that reason, it drags me 2 months to write it up. Anyway, since it's a must- have a topic, I can't run anywhere neither pretend to forget about it. So here I am, slowly recalling everything happened to me in 2011.

If you follow my blog long enough, you know I usually write "Planning & Prediction" post before every New Year. Last year, I predicted many things.  and to my surprise, many things did happen as I predicted. So this year, I'm predicting again, in the future I might quit my current job and open a Fortune Telling business. Lolz.

Let's take a look back at 2011 and see what I've achieved so far.

1. Career.

I thought it was a bad year for me, but turned out it was absolutely good beyond my expectation. There were some difficulties along the way, but no matter how difficult they were, I overcame those challenges. I also won 2 awards for my work performance last year. What can I say? 2011 was my super fruitful and productive year at work. 

2. Traveling
It was a fantastic traveling year beyond words. I went to Bintan (Indonesia) first time by choice, the second time by chance fully sponsored by Fashion TV channel. 

 Another fully sponsored trip to HongKong wonderland for 3 days 2 nights. That trip was epic because I was totally sunk in the huge shopping centers with so many clothes, bags, accessories... OMG! I really miss HongKong. Read my entries about HongKong trip 1, 2, 3

Me at MongKok street. 

 Night time at Lan Kwai Foong

and visited Victoria Peak! 

And amazingly enough, my dream holiday trip to the US came true. I've been always wondering when would I be able to put my first step on American land and at when I wasn't expecting the most, the boyfriend took me to his home to visit his family. I went to Arizona and Los Angeles with him.

There I was in beautiful Arizona. I was hoping to see snow for the first time but it wasn't cold enough even though it was -10 degree Celcius sometimes.

And he took me to Los Angeles, stayed in Beverly Hills for 3 days. That 3 short days made me keep thinking of moving to and living permanently in Los Angeles for good in the future. 

I was seriously overwhelmed by the friendly people, multi-culture, fun lifestyle, diversity there. 

Went to visit the beautiful Santa Monica Pier

and the paradise of shopping in Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive. LA weather was simply beautiful. 

Last year, traveling was fantastic. I'm blessed and grateful for each opportunity I have to travel to different parts of the world. Unfortunately, Bangkok trip didn't happen as planned but I'm gonna go there in a month time anyway. 

4. Friends & strangers. 
I worried too much last year. I didn't meet any bad people as I thought, in fact, I met all awesome people, friends, and even strangers are nice to me too, lolz. Hopefully this year, there will be more people coming along the way. 

5. Family. 
I have no other word besides WONDERFUL. July last year, my family welcomed a new member and I officially became an aunty. The way the baby laughs, baby smiles, the baby looks at things through his innocent eyes make everything simple, beautiful and happy. I love my nephew so much. Look at him!

 Look at his eyes! So adorable. 

The only thing I did when I went back hometown was to hug him and kiss on his chubby cheeks. It's so irresistible!

My last year birthday was also the most special birthday for me ever. I had a big birthday party with many friends, colleagues in a VIP Karaoke lounge. Most importantly, my parents were around to celebrate with me too. That's the biggest present for me as it has been so long time since they first celebrated my birthday when I was 6 years old. 22 years has gone for God's sake. 

 That's how my awesome 2011 went. Apart from all these major things, I also achieved many different awards, achievements throughout the entire year.  

1. Won the 1st runner up in Singapore Dance Fiesta with my partner and few other trophies in many international dance competitions. Looking back, dancing is still a part of my life and I can never live without it. I guess, even when I'm 70 years old, I will still dance or I will teach my grandchildren how to dance. 

and the 1st runner up for ShowDance in 24th Singapore International Ballroom Dancing Championship. 

2. After 5  years of blogging, my blog has been nominated and in the finalist for Best Shopping Blog & Best Mobile Blog of the annual Singapore Blog Award. I know, it sounds a little bit irrelevant to what I've been blogging daily but hey, it's still recognition, right?

3. OK! This is big news and I'm still so overwhelmed by it even though it has been 4 months since my first debut on a local TV drama series called: "Point of Entry" as an actress. You know, I love acting movies, love being in front of the camera. And I have a hope (am still hoping) to act in one big movie about dancing, about love, life etc...So when I first received an invitation to a casting for Ly (a character in Point of Entry), I was so excited. Even though Ly's life story isn't a fairy tale story as what I wanted but it was a very tough role to play: a Vietnamese girl with a very pity life. Anyway, if you haven't watched, here is your chance to watch and tell me what you think. 

Overall, last year was an interesting year for me. It was up and down, but I'm so grateful that things turned out well in the end. It's better than I expected. This year, I'll have a long list of things I'd like to achieve

My 2012 resolution!

Take your time to digest because I'm gonna bombard you with a long list :D.

1. Getting my Lasik surgery for my eyes. I can't express how much I hate wearing contact lens nowadays. It makes my eyes so dry and uncomfortable :(

2. Getting Invisalign and veneer done to have Hollywood smile :D. 

3. Getting married! OMG! This is the biggest task, not only 2012 resolution but also my entire life resolution, lolz. I've been being urged countless time by my parents about it.

4. Go to New York to celebrate New Year at Time Square or to Europe. 

5. Work hard to earn more money.

6. Online-shopping needs to be reduced :( I have been saying this like zillion times -_-

7. Making more dance costumes. 

8. Blog at least twice a week. 

9. Making 1 fashion tutorial video once a week. This is tough but I have no excuse not to do it since I already started my own fashion channel on Youtube, I gotta be more consistent.

10. Getting my driving license. Very soon

11. Taking a part-time fashion design course. I have no idea why lately I'm so obsessed with fashion, clothing, and styles. 

12. Be more patient, understanding, caring. 

13. Give me more time to....rest, pamper myself more.

That's all I could think of and those are the biggest things I need to achieve this year. What about you?
What are your new year resolutions and how much you have done to accomplish it?

Crystal Phuong

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Photo credits to: Jeff Sheldon
Now only I have some tiny times to b1st day of 2011 (Lunar Calendar) in Vietnam. I was back Vietnam 4 days ago and I was so busy with relatives visiting, New Year shopping, house cleaning. Even though, the weather was cold and I was sick, but I still enjoyed every moment at home. And I couldn't blog due to the noise that many people created in my house. But I'm lucky enough to be at home alone for a while to complete this super overdue post.
log, my Goodness! I was kind of under a pressure for not blogging for more than 10 days. So, to make this blog post is more special than any other posts, I'm writing it on the
So here you go:


Remember I posted 2 posts for 2009 and 2010 before? That's when I knew how to predict and to plan for the new year to work things my way. Read back episode 1, episode 2 . 

To be honest, I still don't know what to do, what is my goal, what I want to achieve in this year. How to plan? But I knew that this year is going to be a challenging year for me in everything. 

1. Career.
I'm going to have a lot of difficulties in career at the beginning of the year. I must be very careful in doing my work else, I might be facing of being sued or something related to justice. My person fortune teller said that, it will be settled somehow, and I will have somebody to help me out. 
I will be promoted at work. This is absolutely true because it's already happened! I got promoted in January itself. How accurately what my fortune teller said!!!!
I'll make money this year, but I'll spend a lot too. :(

2. Love
Love is still in the air this year! But, we might have little arguments here and there. It did happen once in January when we had a serious argument. That was also the longest argument we've ever had so far. 2 days in cold war! I hate it and I can't imagine some people especially girls can keep the cold war with their boyfriend or husband for over a week. Isn't it tiring? distracting and stressful? So this prediction is quite right somehow, but the worst thing that has been hunting my mind now is: There will be a stupid, ugly girl or guy that has the intention of breaking my relationship! I do not want to believe this. I don't.  
Speaking of this, I want to jump off the stairs already. Imagine, there is a sexy and innocent pretending girl comes to talk to your husband, tries to flirt him, hugs him (in the polite manner excuse), what would you do? I'm assuming a girl because if it was a guy who would flirt with me, I would not mind to kick his balls off. 
You can say that I'm thinking too much, believing it too much, worrying too much. Ok, fair enough! We're gonna just leave this topic here and come back to it in January 2012. I'll make a review of it! I promise!

3. Traveling.
Looks like this year is gonna be a year of traveling for me. I'm not sure where yet, but I've already had 2 fixed destinations in February. Right after I'm back Singapore on 9th Feb, I'm boarding again on 10th Feb for Malaysia. Awesomeness! Bangkok is a MUST for annual praying trip, Boracay (Philippines) and Perth (Australia) were planned from last year, but not yet happened. These are assured trips so far. Not to forget, the already happened Bintan trip in January. Any other trips, I dont know, lolz....Who knows if anyone wants to sponsor me for traveling again?

4. Friends and Social Networking.
It's said that I should not socialize too much this year. Making too many new friends is not advisable, just keeping myself low in terms of finance, status, and everything. To summarize all of the sentences above, I should just stay at home all the time! The reason is I might have alot of pety people are eyeing on me, are jealous at me, want to bring trouble to me and harm me. That sounds scary.  
I guess, I will not be able to run away from them if they really want to stick their nose into my business. 

5. Family
There is no other word besides GREAT! Everything is going to be great to my family this year. We are so looking forward to welcome a new family member in 6 months time and I'm gonna be an auntie. OMG! That sounds so exciting but I feel so old! After all the sacrifice, this is the paying back time for my mom and dad. I'm so glad that they could release sadness, stress after all to enjoy their life. 

That's all, my new year prediction. I do not want to write a to do list here because I don't know what do I need to do yet. However, here is my shortlist wish: 

1. Panasonic GH2 with 14-140mm lens. I'm just crazy over it. (going to achieve)
2. Plastic surgery (nose, chin, cheek)---> In stead of plastic surgery, my wish was granted with nose filler, even much better than plastic surgery. Blog about it in a while.
3. A trip to Perth, Europe or US. One of my blog readers is so generous that he sponsored me a trip to US. But I didn't dare to go. Who knows what would happen? 
4. Se7en1nch is booming.
5. Boo. You know I'm talking about the boo dog, the cutest, smallest dog in the world. I happened to meet Boo in real life and he is so handsome. If only he was female, I could take the Boo puppy home.
6. Keef could quit smoking, I know it's impossible -_-
7. The bad people disappear in front of me.
8. More fans on Facebook page.
9. No argument.

I know, I'm greedy with so many wishes, but I do give promises in return too.
- I promise I will work harder
- I promise I will buy lesser clothes, shoes and nonsense stuffs
- I promise I will drink the aloe vera gel and supplements that Mom bought
- I promise I will control my temper and be more patient
- I promise I will learn to eat chili and curry 
- I promise I will try to cook for Keef 1 meal, at least :( He is the one who cooks for me. So shameful 
- I promise I will update my blog more and more often.
- I promise I will keep my stuffs organized.
- I promise I will sleep at least 7 hours a day.
- I promise I will not be so emotional when my period comes
- I promise I will not cut my hair

Ok, that's all for now. Let me think if there are any other promises, I will post it in...next P&P episode. Thank you so much for reading!
Happy New Year to all!


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Joined the dance competition in Jakarta, though I didn't win any trophy, but we received a free trip and some cash back for shopping. We were in top 6 in the competition. Not bad though. I bought my Sony Camera after a while consideration and blinked it up to satisfy my blinking addict, at the same time, I sold my old Sony Camera and an extra Acer laptop. I'm such a good buyer and seller, am I not?. Did the first music video with Mirage Film "Autumn Leave" one of my most favorite songs of all time.

Here I am! Look beautifully sad in the video, lolz.
Featured on Mediacorp Channel5, the TV show called "Sport@SG" for 2 minutes about my dancing activity. The actual shoot for that 2 minutes video took us 2 hours and a half to complete. 
I flew back Vietnam for Chinese New Year celebration with family. I looked happily in the photos but, in fact, I was at the worst time of  my life. I just lost my job. A company I worked for decided to quit the project I was handling due to business loss. I had no clue what should I do next? Stay or leave Singapore? If I stay, where should I stay, if I leave, where should I go? This was the most stressful and headache situation ever. I hate it and until now, I don't know where could I get so much energy, motivation, strength to sustain and solve it. But I did!

Realizing my original degree certificate was stolen, and I knew who did that. But having no proof is not going to help me anything. Before I lost other things, I had to move out as soon as possible. Thank God, I managed to get a verified true copy from my old university. 
Attended Singapore Entertainment Awards 2010 invited by omy.sg, a Launch Networking event for all actors, actress, media people and Singapore Blog Awards 2010. My blog was nominated in Best-Modeling Category but somehow, it was just humbly stopped at the nomination level, will try harder for the next year.

Broke up!!!! -_- I considered my breakup to be one of the 1% rare case in the world because we are still good friends of each other until now. Break up in peace! Then few months later, I got a new job, and everything went smooth as what I prayed it to be. Life is still very fair to those who has a good heart. One door closes, the other ones will open. Just have to keep your mind clear and your heart pure.

Was invited as one of the lead dancers to do the video shoot for an MTV music video by Monkey KingChanged my dance partner by chance and luck, and he is so good! I love dancing with him. Also, I slowly stepped into a new relationship. Went to Hue (Vietnam) for the first time to watch the biggest Hue Music Festival. I won lots of money from playing games the casino in the hotel there. FREE trip!

Won Championship in an International Dance Competition in the dance competition with my new partner in Singapore after three weeks practicing. It was an amazing moment for me to turn into professional in dancing yet achieved something from the first attempt.

Se7en1nch was opened after a month plus renovating and preparing. It's our new joint, new home, new playground for all of us who drinks responsibly and not puke out all over the place like others. 

Beautiful photo of Se7en1nch taken by me. 
Traveled to Thailand with Keef for his annual praying to 4 faces Buddha, I've never been there before and I heard lots of stories about the super powerful Buddha there.

Thailand is amazing with many hot spots, nightlife activity, delicious foods and especially lots of stuffs to buy at a can-not-be cheaper price. I love Bangkok! Will visit it again.
Got an iPhone and two iPads. Flew back Vietnam again to attend my brother's weddingMy God! It was like an event of the year kind of thing. I, Dad, and Mom were happy that my funny, immature brother (to what Dad always says about him) has finally got married.

Picture to prove what my Dad saying is always RIGHT.

There you go, a happy family photo without my Dad because he was busy with guests. 

Halloween party at SE7en1nch!!! It's also one of the most looking forward to attending party of the year. For the first time, I dressed up and celebrated Halloween as a Vampire Queen.

Made my Halloween costume. 
My happening 26th birthday party! I had three birthday celebrations with different groups of friends on different days and the biggest one I threw out was at Se7en1nch. Dance, drink, drunk, and laugh are what we all did to celebrate. Must say a big thank you to my dearest boyfriend again for his understanding and supporting me, always. 

Wanted to get a Boo dog so badly, but I couldn't do so. Hence, I could only adopt, talk and dream about him on my blog. Another reason is, I couldn't take care of him because I'm always out of the house almost 18/24 hours a day. So, it's not a good idea to keep Boo starving at home alone and what if he might fell down from our balcony. FHM bikini contest and SOL beach party,

Bought for myself a new glasses to wear...at home. Fanpage hits 1500 plus fan, party at Se7en1nch again for the Curtis King live show and most importantly, my honor two full pages interview with SauceInk magazine.

That what I have gone through for 2010! I must say, it was a tough and challenging yet very eventful year for me. I faced many difficult situations in which I thought I should have given up. Tear, sadness, sorrow, worry, anxiety, release, happiness, and surprise... all came in a different shade, moment, and circumstance. And I'm very happy that I did not give up so easily that time. Else, I wouldn't have had what I'm having today.

Every cloud has silver lining! After a heavy stormy day, sun will shine above us. Just keep telling yourself not to give up, you'll reach the destination in the end. So far, I'm happy with my 2010, what about you?
And now, I'm looking forward to a better 2011. You'd better be! :D

Crystal Phuong

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Have you guys noticed what? It's December 1st today! OMG, it's the last month of 2009, I've just realized. It's so damn fast the time flies. What you have done so far? What have you achieved in this year? Have you made any resolution for next year yet? I don't know why but every end of the year, I like to sit down and think back of what was happened to me, what I've done and what's not for the whole year. Remember I have the previous post about: Plan and prediction for 2009? Some forecast about what happens to me in 2009, and what should i do, bla bla bla...Now it's time for REVIEW. It's gonna be cool! First, the Prediction said that overall 2009, I need to guard myself for Sexual trap. Thus, I controlled myself lot from alcohol intake. But fuwk lahhhh, where got Sexual trap!!! Made me scared the whole month only, lolzzz.... Second, Career is said to be booming for me this year. Probably right, because I changed my job, I had a lot of new things coming up. Work seems good and flowy. So thumb up for this guess! Third: "Love is in the air in 2009". Yahoooo! I didn't expect this at all, but yeah it happened. So, no comment on this :D Fourth: Wealthy year gained by LOTTERY *pffffff, that's bullshit. I didn't even pick up any single cent on the road by chance. How to win a lottery? False. Anyway, look back my 2009, I think i have done lot of things so far:
1. Changed my job! No, exactly I changed to a new country. What an unexpected HUGE change ever! And my current job? Can't say anything besides the word GREAT! I love my job. The Internet can make money, that's for sure. 
  2. Exploring a new path of the career which is modeling, entertainment industry which is totally happening and awesome. I met lot of new people here 

Somebody even came up to ask me: Have you done any plastic surgery! Lolzzz.....

 4. Traveling. Oh, tell me about it! I travel once every month or sometimes twice. 
 5. Blogging? Earn some cash from my blog which is totally cool! Got invited to attend some events, function through my blog. Readers are more and more and the thing i was happy most is: I managed to change my blog design myself. A non- IT girl knows nut about web, html or whatsoever can create this website. 
 6. My photoshop skill is madness powerful now, lolz...I can really do many different things with photoshop now without going through any proper training. I swear! Look at this, I don't bluff you! Mad awesome huh?

7. Got my hair color changed with blond highlight. Love it! 
 8. Gadgets collection: laptop, DSLR camera, Blackberry, HTC touch, and many others which I couldn't recall now. 
 9. Love? Of course, I'm always surrounded by Love from many people who know me, I'm so blessed. 
 10: on the way to achieve til 31st Dec 2009: Attending FHM Party, few shootings for Christmas which i will be a Santa Claus girl, blogger event on 9th Dec "Get your sexy back", 2 dancing shows on 19th and 31st Dec. That's how I closed 2009! :)
Not so much, but I'm pretty satisfied by now. And another 2010 is on the way, here is my

TO-DO LIST in 2010! 
1. My prediction! 2010 is gonna be a year of traveling for sure. I can see it already! January: Jakarta, Feb- Vietnam; March- Thailand; April- Australia (in planning); May- Malaysia; June- Philippines. Half of the year gone! lolz 
  2. Career: Gonna have a lot of things new which I couldn't reveal here yet. But I'm super happy that I got an invitation from Big Foot Entertainment to go to Cebu (Philippines) for underwater filming and modeling for 4 months. A great opportunity I could say and I'm working with the director now to find the best suitable timing for me. More than excited! Thanks to Steve and Mick ;) 
  3. Dancing! I hope I could join some targeted competitions by early of this year. 
 4. Blogging! I promise I will blog more often! There will be a lot of new things coming up which you just need to patiently wait to see. 
 5. Blogging 6. Blogging 7. Blogging 8. Blogging 9. Blogging 10.Blogging
Lolz, such a huge change in my life. I ever wanted to become a teacher, a diplomatic, a CEO of a company, a singer, and now blogger. Sounds nonsense at first, but you will never imagine how powerful cyber world can be and one day a blogger could be recognized as a celebrity and blogging will become an official career! :) It is now! So if you want to have a productive, wealthy, healthy and happy year, you gonna plan for it by now. Nothing drops down from the sky for those who are lazy sitting down and waiting. C'mon! make a plan and let's work it out! I'm sure 2010 is gonna be a good year, I can feel it! 

  P/s: Continue my booking a flight ticket. I'm gonna travel again in Christmas time! Yeahooo! :) Happy Christmas everyone! P/p/s: Dancing with Crystal vid is out soon tonite! :) Watch for your favorite samba routine

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